Month: February 2025
On the Jobsite & in the Courtroom– the New Reality is Virtual
By Leslie King O’Neal What is “Virtual Reality?” Some readers may be familiar with “virtual reality” (“VR”) from gaming, where the VR headset creates immersive, three-dimensional environments that users can interact with. VR uses computer modeling and simulation enabling interaction with an artificial three-dimensional (3-D) visual or other sensory environment.[i] However, VR is not just for gamers.…
A Bank Robber, the Matrix & Mediation
By Leslie King O’Neal Advice From a Bank Robber–Go Where the Money Is Willie Sutton was a notorious bank robber in the 1920’s and 1930’s.[i] Over his 40-year criminal career, he stole at least $2 million. When a reporter asked him why he robbed banks, he allegedly said, “Because that’s where the money is.” [ii]…
Happy 100th Birthday, FAA!
By Leslie King O’Neal On February 12, 1925, President Calvin Coolidge signed the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”)[i] into law. The FAA made written arbitration agreements in “maritime transactions” or contracts “evidencing a transaction involving commerce” “valid, irrevocable and enforceable.” A bare-bones statute that doesn’t even include a definition of arbitration, the FAA has become a…
“High Conflict Personalities” & Disputes
By Leslie King O’Neal You’ve Met “High Conflict Personalities” Nearly everyone involved in dispute resolution encounters people with “high conflict personalities.” They’re often involved in disputes. These individuals are prone to, “exaggerated emotions, adamant directives, attacking and demeaning behavior, difficulty compromising, a preoccupation with blaming others, repeated interruptions, [and] bad-faith participation.”[i] Such behavior is frustrating…
- "good faith" (1)
- "guided choice" mediation (2)
- "settlement privilege" (1)
- ADR (2)
- arbitration (19)
- arbitration award (5)
- arbitration clauses (2)
- arbitration rules (3)
- artificial intelligence (3)
- case management (2)
- confidentiality (4)
- construction law (1)
- discovery in arbitration (2)
- dispute review boards (1)
- diversity (1)
- evidence (1)
- FAA (3)
- mediation (15)
- mediation preparation (8)
- mediation statements (2)
- multi-party mediation (4)
- neutral evaluation (1)
- private judge (1)
- privilege (2)
- reconciliation (1)
- Uncategorized (3)
- vacating arbitration awards (4)
- witness statements (4)
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AI arbitration arbitration; arbitration clauses; non-signatories; arbitration awards arbitration clauses arbitration discovery arbitration rules arbitrators fashioning equitable awards arbitrator site visits artificial intelligence case management confidentiality discovery in arbitration dispute review boards diversity; selecting arbitrators; selecting mediators DRB evidence FAA high conflict personality mediation mediation; mediation preparation; mediation preparation multi-party mediation personality disorders psychology rule changes sanctions vacating arbitration awards virtual reality witness statements