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Tag: case management

  • Private Judging: An ADR Alternative in Florida

    By Leslie O’Neal  Process Combines Arbitration’s Flexibility and Litigation’s Procedural Safeguards [i] Most experienced construction attorneys are familiar with binding arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) method. Some attorneys and clients are wary of binding arbitration because neither the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure nor the Florida Rules of Evidence apply in most arbitrations…

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  • Mediated Case Management: Not an Oxymoron

    By Leslie O’Neal If the parties are unable to settle at mediation, is that the end of the mediator’s role? Not necessarily! Impasse at mediation may not be “all she wrote” for the mediation process. “Mediated case management” allows the parties and the mediator to work together to make litigation or arbitration more efficient and…

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