Tag: FAA
The Legends of St. Patrick & Arbitration Discovery
By Leslie King O’Neal In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, a bit about him and his legends (and the legend of arbitration discovery too)! St. Patrick’s Legends Legends abound about St. Patrick, Ireland’s patron saint (who wasn’t born in Ireland). According to one legend, St. Patrick drove the snakes from the Emerald Isle. However, like…
Happy 100th Birthday, FAA!
By Leslie King O’Neal On February 12, 1925, President Calvin Coolidge signed the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”)[i] into law. The FAA made written arbitration agreements in “maritime transactions” or contracts “evidencing a transaction involving commerce” “valid, irrevocable and enforceable.” A bare-bones statute that doesn’t even include a definition of arbitration, the FAA has become a…
Can Arbitration Award Be Vacated for Improper Pleading?
By Leslie King O’Neal In Ferraro Law Firm v. Royal Merchant Holdings (“Ferraro”),[i] a Florida appellate court vacated an arbitration award, holding improper pleading of a claim made the hearing fundamentally unfair. Should “improper pleading” be grounds to vacate an arbitration award? The Royal Merchant Litigation Ferraro started as an Ohio dispute between Royal…
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